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Q: Did the atomic bomb really cause leukemia?
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She developed leukemia because of the radiation from the atomic bomb dropped by the United States during WW2.

What medical problems will there for unborn baby after atomic bomb?

Mostly deformities. Some will experience leukemia.

Will an atomic bomb really destroy the world?

Given the power of modern atomic bombs, it is unlikely that a single atomic bomb could destroy the world. It is doubtful that a single atomic bomb could cause irreparable damage to civilization (given humanity's spread across the planet etc)

Why did they have the atomic bomb?

cause we are America

What is the cause of skin melting of victims of atomic bomb?

this is really very hard. who ever can answer this is definitely a genius that is godsend!

Did albert Einstein really invent the atomic bomb?

No, he didn't. Leo Szilard invented the atomic bomb.

How did the atomic bomb afftect the world?

Really the atomic bombs affected Japan directly but the rest world were fearing that the weapons made to protect them will cause their deaths.

What impact did the atomic bomb cause?

a nuclear one.

Is the invention of the atomic bomb related to the UN?

Not really.

Did michael montagne really make the atomic bomb?


What did sadako call the atomic bomb?

well,first off..he called the atomic bomb something important in history and important in real life.i dont really know what she called the atomic bomb..BUT she called cancer the atomic bomb disease..interesting huh?

Could the atomic bomb cause skin cancer with soldiers exposed to it?

The radiation in the atomic bomb can cause all types of cancers. Skin cancer proboly being the most prevalent.