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it has a nucleus, the princibals office

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Its coooooooool

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Q: How a cell is like your school or your town?
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Explain how a cell is like your school or town?

my principle is the nucleus

How does a cell compare to a school?

One of the ways that a cell compares to a school is that the nucleus is like the principal.

If a cell was like a school what would the cell membrane be?

It would be the walls of the school or the fence around it.

How are the parts of cell like the parts of a school?

It is like the school because at school you have to work togethor like the nucleus

How is the nucleus like a school principal?

The Nucleus is like a school principal because it controls what goes on inside of the cell. The nucleus is the brain, and the cell is the body, in a sense or The Nucleus is the school Principal because its the brain of the cell and controls every thing that goes on in the cell

What is chloroplast for a school?

the jelly like stuff in the cell

What person in a school is like a cell membrane?

cause it looks like a banana

What would be the nucleus of the town?

The nucleus would be like town hall or the mayor's office because the nucleus is the control center of the cell.

What is a simile for an empty school?

An empty school is like a ghost town, with echoing hallways and silent classrooms.

How is a cell related to a town?

Cell..makes up of things that makes up a town..

What is the simile of nucleus?

When looking at a diagram of a cell (animal in particular), imagine it is a drawing of a fried egg. The nucleus looks like the 'dippy yolk' as many people call it! Reply: Or when I was in school, my science teacher called it the 'office' of the cell. Because it controls everything in the cell.

If the cell was like a school the nucleus will be like the pricipals office?

they create + gather the cells DNA