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Have your thyroid checked before deciding on a diet plan.

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Q: How a person with a low metabolism grow skinny?
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How much iodide should a person take for low metabolism?

A person should take 7698000 mg of iodide

What causes low metabolism?

Answer: Sitting around and eating doing less exercise then normal

What is the meaning of the word Metabolism?

Metabolism (from the Greek <μεταβολή> which means in plain English the change from a form to another). So, the chemical reactions, which happen in an organism to sustain life are called metabolism.

What is low metabolizer?

A low metabolism is of course, the opposite of a high metabolism. If you have a low metabolism, your body processes food a lot slower than a high metabolism, so you gain weight a lot easier and faster. It's also hard to work of the fat.

Is it possible for a person with a high metabolism to have six pack abs?

Your body uses more fuel if you have a high metabolism. It is more favorable to have a high than a low metabolism. Good way is to do upper and lower body add in cardio but do not do ab workouts.

How did you get fat?

Actually, I'm the opposite of fat but... A person gets fat by eating and not exercising. Sometimes it's caused by a low metabolism

How do you know if your skinny?

You have a low body fat amount.

What weight is considered skinny for 5'3''?

For a female, 111 is low and for a male, 127 is low.

What does that mean when your really skinny?

Being really skinny means having little or virtually no fat or muscle components in one's body. The BMI (Body Mass Index) of a skinny individual may be low because a BMI is the percentage of fat to lean body tissue (muscle). If a person has a low BMI, then they're honestly "really skinny" so to say, and should incorporate more proteins and carbohydrates into their diet in order to assure a healthy weight. Being athletic is another cause of one being very lean, which is a good thing, but being athletic also means having a fast metabolism, so one does not absorb as many nutrients from their consumed food as they should because their body burns the calories from the food off so quickly.

What is a period of low metabolism and inactivity?

That would be hibernation.

Is it true if you have a low metabolism then you will never be able to lose weight?

I strongly believe that metabolism rate plays a vital role in our weight issues, basically metabolism determines the rate at which body converts food and drink into energy. Here there is a chance to get less weight loss with low metabolism rate when we compared that of high metabolism rate.