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Q: How a team leader uses the two theories of motivation to motivate their team?
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As a team player do you know how to motivate the people?

Constant encouragement and motivation has to be there. A team leader should take the initiative and set a good example for his team. Should identify the good talented people in the team.

Why must a manager motivate?

Managers must motivate their teams, otherwise the team members will have no motivation to get their work done.

How are leadership theory and styles related to employee motivation?

Leadership theory and styles motivate employees. The stronger the voice and motivation of the leader, the better the team becomes. It aides in production and keeping employee morale at a high end.

What is job profile of team leader?

team leader is the one who is responsible for his team.a team leader is the person who has the ability to lead his team from the front.he is the man who supports and enthuses his team regularly and motivate his team to perform....

How are leadership theory and styles related to motivation?

Leadership theory and styles can influence motivation by determining how a leader motivates and influences their team. Transformational leaders, for example, inspire and motivate followers by setting a vision and fostering commitment. On the other hand, autocratic leaders may use rewards or punishments to motivate their team, which can affect motivation levels differently. Different leadership styles can impact employee motivation in various ways.

Why is it important to motivate a sports team?

Motivation is a very important part of sports, as it gives the team something to work for and makes them go that little bit faster, or further or stronger.

Can you work yourself as a leader?

yes i can lead my team members by giving suggestions and through motivation.

Motivate a team?

The best way to motivate your team is to get their input on the project. With their input, you will find they will work harder to make it a success.

What is the best way to pursue a leadership position?

Exhibit the qualities of a fair and reasonable leader in your current position.

How can i work as team leader?

i think , team leader should be responsible for the particular part/module of project which is given by project leader, and he should guide their team members to finish given task. for that he may need to clear their doubts and motivate them to finish the given module as early possible

Why should we hire you as a Team leader?

Usually when you show leadership abilities and the ability to motivate and encourage others around you

Kpi of team leader in bpo?

The key performance indicators (KPI) of a team leader in a BPO depends on the work environment. Team out put is often the most important KPI. Productivity, retention, and team motivation can also be used to assess KPI.