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Hitler got Chancellor in January 30th 1933. He raised to power because,

Hitler was a great speaker, with the power to make people support him.

The moderate political parties would not work together, although together they had more support than the Nazis. The depression of 1929 created poverty and unemployment, which made people angry with the Weimar government. People lost confidence in the democratic system and turned towards the extremist political parties such as the Communists and Nazis during the depression. The Nazi storm troopers attacked Hitler's opponents. Goebbels' Propaganda campaign was very effective and it won support for the Nazis. The Nazis targeted specific groups of society with different slogans and policies to win their support. Hitler was given power in a seedy political deal by Hindenburg and Papen who foolishly thought they could control him. German people were still angry about the Treaty of Versailles and supported Hitler because he promised to overturn it.

Industrialists gave Hitler money and support.

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Q: How and when did Hitler get power?
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