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because we English captured Australia

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Q: How and why has Britain had such a role in governing Australia?
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When was the Australian state government established?

Technically Jan 1st 1901, when Australia federated. Prior to that they were self governing colonies of Britain.

What were the governing and laws of British in Australia 16nth century?

What were the governing laws of british in Australia 16nth century

Why is Britain so important to Australia in governing?

Since the british are very independent the australians need people who are independent to instruct them so they can be a better country

What did Australia achieve in 1901?

Existance... Prior to 1901, what we know as states now were self governing colonies of Britain, in the late 1890's the decision was taken by the citizens of the colonies to federate and create the country we now know as Australia.

How many nations are on the continent of Australia?

The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-governing nation.

Was Australia an ally to Great Britain?

Easy answer, Yes. Australia and Britain were/are allies as Britain was once seen as a "Mother Country" and promised to always help Australia if they were ever introuble, as did Australia for Britain.

What type of government did Australia have before it was a democracy?

What are now the states were self governing colonies of Great Britain, each with their own political systems, defense forces and the like. The colonies by federation were democratic. Australia as a nation has always been a democracy.

How and why did Australia lose Britain as an ally?

Australia has not lost Britain as an ally.

What is the season in Australia when it is autumn in Britain?

When it is Autumn in Britain it is Spring in Australia.

How come Australia has a capital?

Given that Australia is a self-governing country, why would it not have a capital?

What was the name of the governing of the US 1776?

The Continental Congress governed the forces American Revolutionary War. For all practical purposes it took on this role in rebellion against Great Britain in 1776.

When was Britain-Australia Society created?

Britain-Australia Society was created in 1971.