

How any ships sank at pearl harbor?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How any ships sank at pearl harbor?
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no but there was a bleck nogger with an asian cuck sucking people's decks

What were the important ships that survived the attack on pearl harbor?

The Japanese failed to destroy any of the aircraft carriers. While many of the smaller ships were destroyed, only one battleship was eliminated. The USS Arizona remains at the bottom of the harbor.

How did the Japanese fleet disappear before pearl harbor?

They did not they just temporarily dissapeared of off radar and we dont know why - the ? answerer

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There weren't any kamikaze pilots in the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

What did Pearl Harbor do to the US?

Pearl Harbor gave the US a port safe from almost any storm.

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well obviously there was because there was an agreement of no intervention with pearl harbor in which was broken with the attack

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No they were unable, without weapons and amor how could they

What were the names of the Japanese aircraft carriers that attacked Pearl Harbor?

At the Battle of Pearl Harbor, the US did not attack or sink any Japanese ships. It wasn't until the Battle of Midway a few months later that the US got revenge by sinking or damaging some of their carriers that were involved in the Pearl Harbor attack.

Sky view picture of sunken ships in pearl harbor?

Any website or book/magazine depicting US Battleships (minus the new Iowa and North Carolina class battleships) will be the standard US warships based at Pearl Harbor. Japanese battleships were at sea during the attack, the carriers did all of the launching of planes.

What were differing perspectives responses to the attack on Pearl Harbor?

People against any forms of violence, generally kept a low profile after Pearl Harbor.

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How much US battleships sank during the attack on Pearl Harbor?

About 16 (all of them). So many that if we would have had our last 3 aircraft carriers in port at the time of the attack, we would have been nearly lost any for of resistance.