

Best Answer

it just works that way and theres nohing you can do about

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Q: How are Mars' and Earth's soil similar?
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Related questions

Is Mars the only planet with soil?

No, the other terrestrial planets have soil, Earth, Mercury and Venus. Earths soil is different in that it contains organic matter.

Which planets axis tilt is similar to earths?

Mars has a very similar angle of axial tilt to Earth.

Is mars earths relative?

In many ways, Mars is very similar to Earth, but it's also different in many ways

How are the earths and Mars gravity similar?

They're not. * Earth has a gravity of 9.780327 m/s2 * Mars has a gravity of 3.69 m/s² They're similar in that they both obey the Law of Universal Gravitation, but as you can see the gravity of Mars is only about a third that of Earth.

Which planet's size is similar to earths?

The planet similar in size to Earth is Mars.

What is bigger earths moon or Mars?

I think Mars is bigger than Earths moon.

Why do people think mars is earths twin?

Mars is similar in size to Earth, and they were both created during the formation of the Solar System. Their orbits are also close to each other.

Is mars earths sister?


Which planets day is most similar to earths day?

Mars rotates in about the same time on it's axis, so it has a similar day length of 24 hr and 38 min.

Which planets surface gravity is 38 percent that of earths?

Both mercury and mars have a gravity which is around 38% of earths. Mercury's gravity is 37.8% of earths, Mars' gravity is 37.7% of earths.

Is mars earths brother planet?

Well, we like to call it a sister planet, but yes - it is. Many scientists believe that mars used to look very similar to earth, and have evidence that it used to possess a similar atmosphere and a plentiful supply of water.

What is the time for mars to spin once?

The sidereal rotation period of Mars - one spin on its axis relative to background stars, is 24.623 hours. This is very similar to the earths sidereal rotation period.