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Different plants have different ways to adapt to the desert. They have their own way to preserve and get water. Some plants have developed tap roots. These tap roots can extend to thirty meters below the surface to draw water out of the water table. Other plants have shallow roots to catch water as soon as it lands. Desert sand is well drained and water doesn't sit around on top. This means water can soak into the ground very fast.

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9y ago

Plants adapt to the rainforest in three main ways.

1. They adapt to get the most sunlight possible, because the forest floor can be somewhat dark under the canopy. They do this by either growing very quickly (most rainforest trees), or by growing in the branches of larger plants (IE, orchids, vines, etc).

2. They have to adapt to the massive amount of rain. They do this by having waxy leaves that repel water so that they don't drown during long periods of continuous rain and even flooding.

3. The leaves of forest trees have adapted to cope with exceptionally high rainfall. Many tropical rainforest leaves have a drip tip. It is thought that these drip tips enable rain drops to run off quickly. Plants need to shed water to avoid growth of fungus and bacteria in the warm, wet tropical rainforest.

Animals adapt in a wide variety of ways. Here are a few.

1. Many animals adapt to be good tree climbers, and thus become arboreal, or tree dwelling. This way they stay up of the ground and away from some of the large predators. They also use this adaptation to access fruit high in the canopy.

2. Many rainforest animals are good swimmers. Even jaguars and sloths can swim!

3. Some animals have an advanced ability to remember where the fruit is and when it's there, and the quickest route through the canopy. That saves precious time and energy for arboreal primates, who otherwise would probably starve by wasting so much energy traveling through the canopy.

They adapt by doing physical adaptations to help them change into their environment (surroundings).

4. Animals adapt to their habitat by living in the tops of the trees so that they can get food off the trees like figs or they can go to brighter light and claim their spot over the forest.

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12y ago

Plants that live in the rainforest have adapted in amazing ways to several very difficult conditions. This means that the plant has changed something in its "body" or "habits" (the things that it does) to make it easier to survive in difficult conditions. There are several conditions they have had to adapt to. First, the soil of the forest floor is shallow, which means not very deep. Also, the soil of the rainforest is not very fertile, or easy to grow in. Most of the nutrients, or vitamins and minerals that help plants grow are contained in the living trees of the rainforest, not in the soil. The forest floor and understory do not receive much light, which also makes it difficult for plants to survive there. Next, is the problem of very heavy rains which continue over a large part of the year. Finally, many plants of the rainforest are food for animals that live there. This is not a problem for rainforest animals, but it is one for rainforest plants!

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12y ago

So many plants and animals are adapted to the rain forest we dont know how many because we didnt found all of the new plants and animal species in the world but for now there are billions of plants and animal species adapted to rainforest.
-The trees have drip tips to shed heavy rainfall.

-The tree trunks are straight and branchless in their lower parts which enables them to grow taller.

-Trees can grow to over 40m in the effort to get sunlight.

-Lianas which are vine like plants use large trees as a support to climb up to the canopy.

-Large buttress roots stand above ground to give support to the trees.

- They have shallow roots as most of the soil's nutrients are in the upper most layer.

-Toucans and Parrots have large beaks. These beaks give them a great advantage over other birds with smaller beaks.

-The three-toed sloth is born with brown fur, but you would never know this by looking at it. The green algae that makes its home in the sloth's fur helps it to blend in with the tops of the trees, the canopy, where it makes its home.

-The Jaguar is both a good climber and a good swimmer. It pounces from trees on its prey, and is at home both in the understorey and on the forest floor.

-Leaf-cutter, or parasol ants, climb trees up to 100-feet tall and cut out small pieces of leaves. They then carry these fragments, weighing as much as 50 times their body weight, back to their homes.

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11y ago

plants and animals get used to the climate and the amount of rain fall. plants have drip tips that mean they shed water quickly, meaning they don't grow fungi or bacteria. animals adapt by learning to climb and swim. :D

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Q: How are animals and plants adapted to the rainforest condition?
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