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Animals or plants that have adapted to temperate climates have certain behavior patterns. Plants and animals in a desert for instance have adapted to use of low volumes of water and extreme heat.

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Q: What do animals or plants that have adapted to temperate climates have?
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Taiga comes under arctic zone, hence only plants adapted to temperate climate are living there.

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Decreasing amounts of sunlight

What plants are in the tropical seasonal forest?

In the tropics there are no real seasons (as there are in temperate climates) and therefor the plants that grow in the tropics do not show seasonal behaviour. However, in the tropics plants do still have times for flowering, seeding etc. but these are no synchronised across all species. There are also some climates where there are wet (when plants are able to grow) and very dry periods (when plants wither) some plant species are adapted to this variability.

Are all tropical plants seasonal?

In the tropics there are no real seasons (as there are in temperate climates) and therefor the plants that grow in the tropics do not show seasonal behaviour. However, in the tropics plants do still have times for flowering, seeding etc. but these are no synchronised across all species. There are also some climates where there are wet (when plants are able to grow) and very dry periods (when plants wither) some plant species are adapted to this variability.

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A group of plants and animals adapted to similar conditions is called a community.

Shrubland biome animals?

temperate woodland and shrubland biome animals and plants