

How are babies genes tested before they are born?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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can u get a DNA from the baby while its not born

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Q: How are babies genes tested before they are born?
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In North Carolina do newborns get tested for drugs at birth?

Yess all babies get tested for drugs wen they are first born.

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Some are premature other wise it genes that run in the family.

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they were born at home

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it's really bad for the baby, babies born prematurely, babies born too small, babies who die before they can be born at all.

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Smoking cigarettes is probably the number 1 cause of adverse outcomes for babies. Complications that occur frequently are: babies born prematurely, babies born too small or babies who die before they can be born at all.

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Being born with certain genes.

Why would it be important some day for scientists to be able to correct damaged genes in babies before they are born?

Correcting damaged genes in babies before birth could help prevent genetic disorders and diseases that may impact a child's health and quality of life. This could lead to significant advancements in the field of genetic medicine, offering potential solutions for conditions that are currently difficult to treat or manage. Treating genetic defects early on could also help reduce healthcare costs and improve overall public health.

Can genes fixed with gene therapy be transferred to offspring?

I do not personally work in that field but have studied it for a long time. This can be done, it was mainly tested on goats. Their offspring were deformed or perfectly fine. Same as when they did this to try to clone pets. The turn out the same, die right away or are deformed. My answer is Yes, both when you add it after their born or to their mother before they were born.

How many babies born before 28 weeks need surfactant treatment?

Over half the babies born before 28 weeks gestation need this treatment, while about one-third born between 32 and 36 weeks need supplemental surfactant.

What is the word that means having to do with babies or infants?

Natal. Before you are born you are pre-natal. After you are born, you are post-natal.