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At a divergent plat boundary the plates are moving APART in opposite directions and this is a constructive plate boundary.

A transform boundary is one where the plates are SLIDING past each other in opposite directions.

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Q: How are divergent and tranform fault boundaries different?
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Which type of fault occurs at divergent boundaries?


What boundary goes with a normal fault?

Divergent Boundaries

What are the technical names for each of the tectonic plates movements?

Divergent Boundaries, Convergent Boundaries and Transform Fault Boundaries. Divergent Boundaries move away from each other, Convergent Boundaries collide with each other and Transform Fault Boundaries grind past each other.

What is a fault of a volcano?

A volcano is not a type of fault. Volcanoes can be found at convergent and divergent plate boundaries and away from plate boundaries at hot spots.

What type of fault is a volcano?

A volcano is not a type of fault. Volcanoes can be found at convergent and divergent plate boundaries and away from plate boundaries at hot spots.

What are the main types of tectonic plate boundaries?

There are three primary types of tectonic plate boundaries. They pertain of Divergent boundaries, Convergent boundaries and Transform-fault boundaries.

The mountains most commonly found at divergent plate boundaries are .?

Fault block mountians

New ocean crust is formed at?

Divergent plates or mid-ocean ridges

What are examples of boundaries?

Transform: San Andreas Fault, California Divergent: Mid-ocean Ridge

Is a reverse fault often located along a divergent plate boundary or convergent?

A reverse fault is often found at convergent plate boundaries.

How are divergent and transform fault plates alike?

Divergent boundaries are when two plates move apart. Divergent Boundaries in the ocean is when the sea floor spreads as the oceanic plates move apart. This causes places like the oceanic ridge. Divergent boundaries on crust are when two pieces of crust move apart. This makes mountains and valleys. Transform Boundaries are formed when two plates shear against each other, like the San Andreas Fault in California. The only way they are alike is because both of them cause earthquakes.

What are plate boundary settings?

There are three main plate boundaries, convergent plate boundaries,divergent plate boundaries and transform fault boundaries. Convergent plate boundaries are when the plates collide together, this often causes mountain building. Divergent plate boundaries are when plates are moving apart, this is what caused the Mid Atlantic Ridges. Transform Fault Boundaries is when they move past each other horizontally, this boundary dosent cause any new landforms.