

Best Answer
  • Protons have a positive (+) charge.
  • Neutrons have no charge.
  • Electrons have a negative (-) charge.
  • Proton and neutron are roughly the same size
  • Electrons are considerably smaller than protons or neutrons
  • Protons and neutrons have a relative Atomic Mass of 1
  • The mass of electrons is so small it is not included in calculations of an atom's mass.
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1w ago

Electrons are negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom. Protons are positively charged subatomic particles found in the nucleus of an atom, while neutrons are neutrally charged particles also located in the nucleus. Protons and neutrons have a similar mass, while electrons are much lighter.

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12y ago

Protons are positively charged.

Electrons are negatively charged.

Neutrons have NO charge.

AND..neutrons and protons are found in the nucleus of the atom while electrons are found outside.

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How do electrons different from both protons and neutrons?

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These particles are: protons, neutrons and electrons.

How many protons neutrons and electrons does the Ni have?

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Nickel has 28 protons and electrons; the number of neutrons is different for each isotope.

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Cl-37 : 17 protons , 20 neutrons , 17 electrons Compare with Cl-35 ; 17 protons , 18 neutrons, 17 electrons. These are two different and common isotopes of chlorine. Remember 'Different isotopes have a different number of neutrons'. Chemically they react the same.

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The number of neutrons varies as there are isotopes to every element, meaning a different number of neutrons. The most common isotopes of nickel have 30 or 32 neutrons. All nickel atoms have 28 protons, and (if neutral) 28 electrons. Nickel ions will have fewer electrons depending on the charge. Neutrally charged nickel has 28 protons, 28 electrons and 31 neutrons

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How many protons neutrons and electrons an atom of titanium have?

Protons: 21 Neutrons: 29 Electrons: Normally 21

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For the commonest isotope there are 42 protons , 42 electrons and 56 neutrons. However, it has several naturally stable isotopes, they have, 50 neutrons, 52 neutrons, 53 neutrons, 54 neutrons, 55 neutrons and 58 neutrons. However, for all isotopes the number of protons and electrons remains the same, otherwise it would be a different element.