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they have a double-bonded oxygen in different locations.

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9y ago

Their chemical formula is the same, the molecules of glucose and fructose are laid out in different formations.

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Q: How are fructose and glucose different?
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When you add Fructose and fructose does it gives you glucose?

No. Fructose and glucose are two different, simple sugars or monosaccharides. Fructose is a ketohexose. Glucose is an aldohexose.

Why glucose is also know as fructose?

Glucose and fructose are very different carbohydrates !

Is the ratio the same in glucose and fructose?

Glucose and fructose are isomers, with the same empiric chemical formula but with a different structure and properties.

What do glucose and fructose have in common?

Glucose and fructose have some things in common. The most common thing they have is that they are both simple sugars.

What are examples of monosaccharide?

Glucose and Fructose are examples of monosaccharides.

Why do molecules of glucose galactose and fructose react differently during metabolism?

Because enzymes can only catalyse reactions of molecules with specific shapes. Glucose, galactose and fructose all have different shapes, so they need to undergo different reactions in order to be metabolised. All sugars are converted to fructose phosphate before metabolism begins. This happens to fructose by phosphorylating it directly, to glucose by phosphorylating glucose, then converting the glucose phosphate to fructose phosphate, and to galactose by converting the galactose to glucose.

What is the difference between fructose and glucose?

glucose contains aldehydic group where as fructose contains ketonic group. CHO-(CHOH)4-CH2OH - glucose CHOH-CO-(CHOH)3-CH2OH - fructose

Are glucose and fructose reduced sugars?

Glucose and fructose are reducing sugars.

What three simple sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream?

Glucose, fructose, and galactose are structural isomers. They have the same chemical formula but different structural formulas.

What do the two molecules ( fructose and glucose ) have in common?

Fructose and Glucose are isomers of each other. That means that one part of the molecule is in a different location on the other molecule. Fructose and glucose have the same molecular formula and molecular weight.

What enzyme changes glucose to frutose?

The enzyme that breaks down sucrose to glucose and fructose is called sucrase.

What are two monosaccharides that will make the disaccharide sucrose?

Fructose and glucose are found in sucrose.