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Q: How are glucose and oxygen passed from the blood through the capillary walls to the cells?
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How are oxygen and nutrients passed to cells?

Capillaries allow Glucose and oxygen to move out of the blood in the capillaries into interstitial fluid and into the cells. Fluid is exchanged between capillary blood and interstitial fluid.

When electric current is passed through water which gas is produced on cathode?

When an electric current is passed through water oxygen gas is produced on cathode because oxygen is positive and cathode is negative . So, oxygen is produced.

What provides an animal with the energy it needs?

all organisms receive their energy from respiration, a process that requires glucose and oxygen. Animals get the oxygen from the air they breathe in. The glucose is obtained from food, either other animals or plants. All the glucose in animals originated in plants that produce glucose in photosynthesis, and the glucose has been passed down the food chain.

How do capillaries relate to veins and arteries and what happens to the capillaries?

If you imagine your right arm as an artery and your left arm as a vein, then clasp your fingers together gently and imagine this is a capillary bed. Arterioles and venules come together in capillary beds and as oxygen is exchanged to surrounding tissue the blood from arteries is passed through the arterioles, through the venules and into the veins to return to the heart. Check out the Wikipedia article in the related links, and look at the image on the right.

What is the definition of percolation in the water cycle?

The movement of water through the soil and layers by gravity and capillary forces is called percolation. The water can also be passed through permeable rock by this process.

What is a liquid that carries oxygen nutrients and waste through the body?

Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the body cells, and it removes waste and takes it to the kidneys where it is filtered from the blood and passed to the bladder. From there, it is passed out of the body through urinating.

How can you the oxygen you bring into your body get into the circulatory system?

The oxygen in each breath is circuited to the lungs where the alveoli absorb the oxygen and passed to the blood cells. The blood cells enter the heart where the oxygenated blood is circulated where needed.

What is a technique in which an electric current is passed through water to separate hydrogen from oxygen?


How do the respiratory system and the cardiovascular systems work together?

The respiration and cardio vascular work together o make the body become alive. It does this by having 2 different system working in the body. The 2 are respiration and cardio vascular system. the respiration system bring the air from outside the body through the mouth or nasal cavity. Then goes down to the Pharynx which leads up to the Epiglottis which goes passed through the larynx which goes to the trachea which goes into the lungs. In the lungs, the air goes to the bronchi which brakes down into the bronchioleswhich goes into the alveoli sack where the air takes out the oxygen from the air. This is also the connected point to the cardio vascular system which it gives it the oxygen it needs to complete its job. The blood is out side the alveoli sack in a capillary. The way the gas can go through the capillary walls is because the walls of it is one cell thick which allows things to pass through. The blood flows through the capillary which widens into a venues which widens into veins which goes to the heart. The heart pumps the blood around the body. It first pumps it to the arteries which goes smaller into a arterioles which goes into a capillary. The capillary gives the oxygen to the muscle and receives it's waste products e.g. oxygen. The deoxygenated blood goes through the capillary which widens into venues which then widens into a veins which leads to the heart and gets pump into a arteries which becomes into arterioles which goes back into a capillary which give the carbon dioxide to the alveoli sack which the alveoli sends away through the bronchioleswhich widens into bronchi which trachea which then goes through the larynx which then goes pass the Epiglottis which then goes through the Pharynx which goes back out through the nasal cavity or mouth.

What will happen to water molecule when electricity is passed through water during electrolysis?

when electricity is passed through water using electrolysis, it will decompose to form hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) atoms

What do plants supply for us?

In a ecosystem, plants provide energy that is passed along the food chain, and oxygen through the process of photosynthesis.

Why does your heat pump faster when you exercise?

Because your body needs more oxygen and the oxygen is passed through the whole body by red blood cells.