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Q: How are heat work and internal energy related?
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Why does temperature of gas drops in an adiabatic process?

because in adiabatic process heat absorbed is zero. and the work is done by internal energy. so internal energy decreases.we know that temperature is directly related with internal energy

What is the relationship between heat added to a system and the internal energy and external work done by the system-?

When heat is added to or is absorbed by a system, its internal energy increases. The amount of external work a system can do essentially refers to the amount of energy it can transfer to something else. So when internal energy increases, so does the external work done by the system.

What energy changes does a electrical heater have?

Electricity energy is converted into internal energy through work. As the internal energy of the heater increases so, too, does its temperature. Energy is then lost to the surroundings through heat transfer. The change in the heater's internal energy is the difference between the work done on the heater and the heat transfer away from it.

How are work and heat related?

because of the path functions ..Answer'Work' (symbol: W) describes the transfer of energy from one form into another. For example, an electric motor changes kinetic energy into electrical energy. 'Heat' (symbol: Q) describes the transfer of energy from a warmer body to a cooler body. For example, energy is lost from an electrical conductor if its temperature is higher than its surroundings. Scientists describe both work and heat as 'energy in transit'. Both share the same unit of measurement, the joule.In other words, work and heat are the only two methods of manipulating energy. And they are very much related to each other.For example, and electric kettle does work on the water by converting electrical energy into the internal energy (i.e. the energy associated with the vibration of atoms within any body) of the water (and of the kettle itself). This increase in internal energy results in the temperature of the water increasing above the ambient temperature and, so, energy is lost to the surroundings through heat transfer. So the amount by which the internal energy of the water has increased must be the difference between the work done on the water, and the heat transfer away from the water, that is:increase in internal energy = work - heatThis equation summarises the general relationship between work and heat.

What is energy balanced?

Energy balance can be described by this equation : Energy intake = internal heat produced + external work + energy stored.

If work is don adiabatically on a system will the internal energy increase or decrease?

If work is done adiabatically on a system, the internal energy will increase. This is because adiabatic processes do not involve the exchange of heat with the surroundings, so any work done on the system will directly contribute to an increase in its internal energy.

Define heat of work and how it is computed?

Define Heat of Work and Explain how it is computed.Heat of Work (HOW) is the the amount of heat added to refrigerant during the compression process. The heat content of the refrigerant at the outlet of the compressor (high-side) is subtracted from the heat content at the inlet of the compressor (low-side). The unit of measurement is in Btu/lbAnswerThere is no such thing as 'heat of work'. Heat and work are two different, but related, things. 'Heat' describes energy in transit from a higher temperature to a lower temperature, whereas 'work' describes energy in transit when one form of energy is converted into another form. The difference between work and heat is a measure of the rise in the internal energy of an object.

What is the change in the internal energy of a system that absorbs 2.500J of heat and that does 7.655J of work on the surroundings is?


What are the forms of energy that can produce heat energy?

Heat is generally considered as a resultant of other energy reactions, which is why it is considered to be related to kinetic energy. All types of energy (the ability to do work) can produce heat energy.

What is the theory of converting electrical energy into heat energy?

Electricity does work (W =I2Rt) ) on a conductor, causing its internal energy (U) to rise. This rise in internal energy is accompanied by a rise in temperature, resulting in heat transfer (Q) from the conductor to the surroundings. It should be pointed out that the term 'heat energy' is no longer used -heat is simply energy transfer caused by a difference in temperature.

What is the heat transfered out of a heat engine called?

Heat engines work on the principle of internal combustion. Due to this total work in is not equal to work out by the engine. This difference is dissipated out in the surrounding as heat. This energy is just waste and in any system complete conversion of energy is never possible.

What causes excessive internal body heat?

About 40% of the energy our bodies consume is used to perform work. The other 60% is lost as heat. In other words, the cause of our internal heat comes from metabolic energy that is lost to us.