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because they just don't you dumb B****

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Q: How are mature phloem cells controlled if they lack a nucleus?
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What is the principal difference between mature xylem and mature phloem cells?


Do companion cells have nuclei?

for example phloem .... doesnt have a nucleus ... and it needs a nucleus to survive ... thats why they have a companion cell which have a nucleus for them ...if u try to separate the companion cell from the phloem the phloem will die after some time

What are the three cells that has no nucleus?

Prokaryotes,red blood cells of mammals,seive cells of phloem


Phloem cells do not have a nucleus, and they have very few vacuoles. They act much like a sieve.

What kinds of cells has no nucleus?

Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus. In the human body, mature erythrocytes (red blood cells) have no nucleus.

Does a nucleus lack mature red blood cells?

It is actually the other way around - mature red blood cells lack a nucleus.

What is the only cell in the human body that doesn't have a nucleus?

Mature red blood cells are the only human cells that do not have a nucleus. sorry to do this but that's not the answer but i don't know it

Is mature phloem tissue dead upon maturity?

No, they are usually living. It is the xylem tissue that is made mostly of dead cells.

Mature red blood cells?


Does mature red blood cells have chromosomes?

No. Mature red blood cells have neither a nucleus nor chromosomes.

What mature cells have a nucleus?

lymphocyte.monocyte ,erythrocyte .neutrophil

What are cells that do have a nuclei?

Nucleus is an imp component of cell essential for survival . An organised nucleus appears in eukaryotes(except mammalian rbc and sieve tube cells of phloem) for the first time .Prokaryotes have an unorganised nucleus....