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Only Congress can admit new States to the Union. A new state my not be created without the consent of that states legislature.

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By act of Congress.

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Q: How are new states to be admitted to the United States?
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What new states was formed during 1863?

West Virginia was admitted to the union of the United States of America on June 20, 1863.

What four new states were admitted to the union in 1800?

No states were admitted in 1800.

What two new new states were admitted by The Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise allowed two new states to be admitted. The two states that were admitted are Maine and Missouri.

What governmental body grants new states admission to the union?

The United States Congress is the governmental body that grants new states admission to the Union. Hawaii is the last state to have been admitted to the Union.

What were the second 10 states in the US?

The first 13 states became a country in 1776, but when the Constitution of the United States was being ratified in 1787-1790 the original 13 states were essentially being re-admitted into the new Constitutional United States. This means that the "first" 13 states were not admitted at the same time. The 14th through 23rd states were admitted into the union from 1791-1820 The "second" 10 states admitted into the union are: Vermont (Split from New York), Kentucky (Split from Virginia), Tennessee (Split from North Carolina), Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama and Maine (Split from Massachusetts).

What states were the 47 and 48 states?

The 47th state admitted to the United States was New Mexico, which joined in 1912. The 48th state was Arizona, which also joined in 1912.

What year did New Mexico become a territory?

New Mexico and Arizona became states in the United States on January 6, 1912. As of 2014, they were the last states admitted to the Union.

How old is the state of New Mexico?

New Mexico received statehood on January 6, 1912. It was the 47th state to be admitted to the United States.

Which of states was admitted to the union in the 200th century?

States admitted in the 20th century: Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii.

What was the last state admitted within the continental US and what year was it admitted?

The last state in the continental United States to be admitted to the Union was Arizona. It was admitted on February 14, 1912. Not long before that, New Mexico was the 47th state to be admitted on January 6, 1912. Of course, Alaska and Hawaii were admitted after Arizona in 1959, but they are not part of the continental states.

What is the source of power to admit new states into the union?

the united states congress The source of power for the United States Congress to admit new states into the Union is Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1, which states: "New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected withing the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State formed by the Junction of two or more states, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."

Who is Responsible for making new states?

The United States Congress has the power to admit new states into the United States of America