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Because they are cool like dat!! =) yeh homeboy!

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Q: How are sediments deposited along the bottom of an ocean floor according to size?
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When are sediments transported by a river deposited?

when rivers enter oceans or lakes, the water slows and sediment is deposited.

Why is a river deposits heavier sediments first and lighter sidements later as it flows along?

After that it would be deposited when the flow of the river is too slow to carry it.

How are sandbanks forms?

You can notice sandbanks along many high tide bodies of water. These are formations that feature long wavelike patterns in the sand. Sandbanks are formed when sediments are deposited by waves and tides.

What moraines are abrasive elements carried bottom of a frozen glacier?

Ground Moraines are abrasive elements that are carried in the bottom of a frozen glacier. Lateral Moraines are unsorted material deposited along the side of a valley glacier.

How sediments are transported along the coast?

lol hahaha

How does rivers cause erosion?

water in a river is constantly moving. Moving water will pick up sediments from the bottom of a river, and carry them with it. Water also has the power to move large rocks slowly along the bottom of a river.

What usually happens to sediments when a river runs into a lake or sea?

A river carries sediment due to its high flow velocity. When a river reaches the ocean, this flow velocity is decreased and therefore not strong enough to carry the sediments farther. Thus, sediments are deposited or dumped when a river reaches an ocean or lake where the flow velocity is generally less than that of rivers.

How do rivers erode?

They erode by transporting material ranging in size from microscopic to larger than a house, from one place to another place. Transportation occurs mainly because of the downward gradient of flowing water, which is attributable to the force of gravity.

How does a igneous rock turn into an sedimentary rock?

Igneous rock, when exposed, will weather into smaller particles by mechanical and chemical means. Eventually the particles will be eroded and be transported by wind, water, ice, and gravity and eventually be deposited along with other sediments in a low lying area; could be the bottom of a sea, ocean or lake. As further and further sedimentation and accretion occur, the weight of overlying sediments compacts the particles, squeezing out air and water. Minerals then can bridge the gaps between particles, cementing them together into sedimentary rock.

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Along which coast is Thorium found in abundance?

Is alluvial a rock?

Alluvial is a descriptive term referring to sediments deposited along a fan-shaped area by a river or stream. Thus, a rock or mineral could be described as being alluvial in that it was placed in its current location by alluvial deposition. Alluvial is not a rock type.

Why does a stream bottom erode more deeply when its water level rises in a flood?

The stream bottom erodes more deeply when its water level rises in a flood; therefore, the more volume and sediments water carries along, the more bottom of a stream is being eroded away thus it deeper.