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Sodium is used in salt. Chlorine, small amounts are used in drinking water.

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Q: How are sodium and chlorine used today?
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How is used Sodium thiosulfate in chlorine removal shampoo?

Sodium thiosulfate neutralizes chlorine.

Is chlorine used in the manufacturing of NaCl?

It is possible to obtain sodium chloride from sodium and chlorine but it is pointless.

Of what use is sodium chlorate?

Sodium Chlorate (NaClO3) is used for Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) production. ClO2 is used as a bleaching agent for pulp.

What is a word equation for sodium and chlorine?

Sodium + Chlorine ---> Sodium Chloride I think that is correct

What compounds make sodium chloride?

Sodium chlorine sodium and chlorine.

Why is sodium chloride not harmful but sodium and chlorine are?

why are sodium and chlorine harmful

What type of atom is in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has two atoms in the formula unit (NaCl): sodium and chlorine.

Why is chlorine the chemical solution use for sanitizing?

For disinfection are used sodium hypochlorite or chlorine; chlorine is a killer for microorganisms.

What elements are in NaCl?

Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl) are the elements that make up NaCl otherwise known as Sodium Chloride.

What element is a metal used to make salt?

AnswerSodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl)Table salt is sodium chloride (NaCl) and contain chlorine and sodium.

When sodium and chlorine react they form?

Sodium and Chlorine form Sodium Chloride when they react. This is because the cation of sodium is added to the anion of chlorine.

What is sodium chloride solution used for?

For example for the electrolysis of sodium chloride to obtain sodium hydroxide, hydrogen and chlorine.