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Taste buds can sense sweet, salt, bitter, and sour. They can sense texture, like creamy, rough, and so forth. Everything else associated with flavor is a result of aroma which is sense by olfactory cells.

Flavors on the tongue are possible when the taste buds sense different amount of salt, sweet, sour, and bitter. You can try an experiment . . . block your nostrils with cotton balls, then have someone dab different foods on your tongue. You should be amazed at how little you can tell about taste without using your nose.

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11y ago

Chemicals stimulate their receptors cells which sends clusters of various ion channel via the brain.

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12y ago

The olfactory system detects volatile chemicals in the air we breathe. Those chemicals make the different smells we know.

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12y ago

These cells are examples of chemoreceptors, and adaptation or neurones most similar to typical neurones. They are stimulated by the binding of molecules to membrane bound protein receptors.

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What is the relationship between olfactory and gustatory receptors?

Gustatory receptors are part of the sense of taste. They are in your mouth. Olfactory receptors are part of the sense of smell. They are in your nose.

How is taste detected?

Taste and smell receptors are activated by chemicals.

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Chemoreceptors (chemical receptors) respond to chemicals in food and scents.

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Sensory receptors are defined as dendrites of sensory neurons specialized for receiving specific kinds of stimuli without which we would not live long. The four general sense receptors are pain receptors, temperature receptors, touch receptors, and taste and smell receptors.

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sight and smell , taste :)

What is the function of receptors in human body?

The function of receptors is to check about the taste,smell,etc. In our human body there are two types of receptors and they are gustatory receptors and olfactory receptors where as gustatory receptors will detect taste and olfactory receptors will detect smell.

What occurs when beta receptors are stimulated?

When beta receptors are stimulated, it decreases the heart rate to treat for low blood pressure.