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Depending on the situation, and the activity your talking about, teens will often times feel as though they have something to prove if they are put on the point, or called out. Call it what you will, kids can be tough on each other.

Look, I am not going to say that if a teen sees another teen do it, he automatically believes that he, or she, can do it to!

Teens are not stupid! They are people also, quite possibly not yet fully matured, but nonetheless capable of making most decisions regarding their personal safety.

That is not to say that if a teen sees another teen drinking whiskey or any other strong, or high alcohol content, drink, that they will realize automatically that their system and the other teens system may be quite different, and just because one did it the other will be able to handle it as well.

No they may not realize the difference! Mistakes can be made, unfortunately, many mistakes in life can actually cause death, or have life long consequences!

I really believe that most teens are basically good kids. Growing up can be tough, and the world outside your own home can be far different, and maybe dangerous?

Sometimes when kids get put on the spot, they will sometimes do things, that they normally would not do, just to be or feel accepted!

Teens should really learn that being accepted by others, is not as big a deal as it seems! Yes, you may not hang with the cool crowd if you do not do what they do, but you will at least be, drug or alcohol free, alive at home able to sleep in your own bed, as opposed to a jail cell?

You will be able to look your Mom and Dad and Sisters and Brothers in the face, eye to eye, without feeling shameful, or guilty about "ANYTHING"

(Drinking,having sex,drugs,driving under the influence,just breaking the law period) The guys do not always feel as bad about the under age 18 sex, as girls, unfortunately what they do not know is that having sex with various woman instead of waiting for someone you really like can have long lasting effects on your sexual life sometimes forever!

**You can take that answer to the bank! You know, sometimes it would be nice to listen to your Mom and Dad, remember whether or not you like it, they have actually done most of these things before, or been in these situations, they do have experience! Ok, maybe they made the wrong decision, so they know firsthand what the consequences are! Either way, they have been there and done that!

P.S. If they didn't, just come back here, because unfortunately I HAVE BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT"

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Rhea Mraz

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