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Q: How are the ethical beliefs of the Israelites similar to those commonly accepted in your society?
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What is the opposite of ethical behavior in science?

Reckless behavior in science is opposite of ethical.

What is the moral diversity argument for non-objectivism?

Ethical nonobjectivists hold that there are no objective moral facts, and no objectively true moral principles --- not just that they are difficult to discover, or that we might not be sure what they are; rather, that there are no objective moral truths to discover. One version of ethical nonobjectivism is emotivism, according to which sentences that appear to state ethical facts (such as "stealing is wrong") are, instead, merely expressions of emotion, and not genuine statements at all. Most contemporary nonobjectivists, however, are not emotivists; they believe that such sentences are statements, but that there are no objective facts to support the statements. The key arguments for ethical nonobjectivism are arguments from moral diversity, which focus on the enormous diversity of moral beliefs, both within cultures and cross-culturally; the argument (by A. J. Ayer) that no genuine argument is possible on ethical issues, i.e., that there is nothing objective to argue about; and the argument from queerness (or simplicity), which claims that ethical nonobjectivism is more plausible than any version of ethical objectivism, because objectivism requires a much more elaborate explanatory scheme and posits the existence of very strange entities (moral facts).

What are the ethical issues surrounding the production of plastic bags in Ghana?

the ethical concern about the production of plastic bags in Ghana

What are the ethical issues for producing paper and copper?


How could the government enforce ethical standards of scientific exeriments?

If the government wished to enforce ethical standards for scientific experiments, they could appoint some person or agency to review all scientific publications, in search of experiments which seem to be unethical, which could then be investigated further and, if actual ethical violations are found, prosecuted under whatever legislation was passed to create ethical standards (or possibly under existing laws about cruelty to animals).

Related questions

What are examples of ethos?

Ethos is a person's or organization's personal characteristics and ethical standings. They are the guiding beliefs of that person or organization. For example, the ethos of a police force is commonly quoted as "to protect and serve."

What are examples etho?

Ethos is a person's or organization's personal characteristics and ethical standings. They are the guiding beliefs of that person or organization. For example, the ethos of a police force is commonly quoted as "to protect and serve."

What are the types of ethical judgment and ethical reasoning?

There are different types of ethical judgments and ethical reasoning's that are based on beliefs/ Egoism, justice, deontology, and relativism are different points of view.

What is a reasoning that is characterized by beliefs of right and wrong?

Ethical Reason

What were the ethical beliefs of the Hebrews?

See the attached Related Link.

Compare legal versus ethical standards?

Legal standards are those standards that emanate from the law. Ethical standards may be determined by religious beliefs, personal beliefs, and societal influence.

What influenced ethical judgments among the ancient Hebrews?

The Torah and the words of the prophets. These were (and are) the ethical, moral, legal and historical teachings which the Israelites based their judgments upon.

What is is ethical behavior?

Ethics are considered the moral standards by which people judge behavior. Ethical behavior is behavior that conforms to those accepted standards of social or professional behavior. Ethics often expressed by what is commonly considered the "golden rule": Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.

What is the system of ethical monotheism?

monotheism- beliefs based on one god.

Where do we get our own personal ethical guidelines beliefs structures from?

Our Parents Not only do we get our ethical guidelines from our parents but from our life experiences. We learn the importance of integrity and honesty from our parents however it is reinforced through our life experiencing and our beliefs.

A set of beliefs or values a standard or code of ethics to follow and the moral courage to act are three ideals of ethical responsibility?

ethical standards

What is ethical practice?

Ethical practice is to honor the beliefs, morals and values of your profession and to help others through the process of unbiased decision making.