

How are the human body different to the frogs body?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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The human body is bigger and the tongues are different plus a frog is little nd green

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Q: How are the human body different to the frogs body?
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How is the frogs body different from the humans body?

because moo thats why YOLO just kidding a frogs body is different because the frog is smaller

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The cells and human body are not different. The human body is what is referred to as the whole accumulation of cells. However, there can be distinctions, as non-biological items can be present in the body, and foreign objects such as pathogens are not necesarilly cells (definetely not of the host genetics)

How many different specialized cells are in the human body?

There are 250 different types of specialized cells in the human body.

Do all human bodies have the same pH?

no. Not only do different human bodies have different pH, but different parts of the same body have different pH also. There are a variety of different chemical environments within a single body.