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Q: How are the lines of longitude on the mercator projection different form the other two?
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What is projection has parallel latitude lines and parallel longitude lines?

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What is the advantage of a Mercator projection?

The ability of the Mercator projection to allow straight and constant course lines. Or longitude and latitude lines.

What is the advantage of Mercator projection?

The ability of the Mercator projection to allow straight and constant course lines. Or longitude and latitude lines.

What projection shows all lines of latitude and longitude as straight lines?

The Mercator projection does that.

Which type of map projection shows all latitude and longitude lines as parell?

The Mercator projection

What is a map projection where the lines of longitude are parallel called?

That's true of the Mercator projection, among others.

What are shown as straight lines on a Mercator projection called?

The parallels of latitude and the meridians of longitude are all straight lines on the Mercator projection. That's why Greenland looks bigger than South America.

What map has parallel lines of latitude and longitude?

Most maps will show latitude and longitude lines, if not, they're ALWAYS on a globe.

What is the difference between mercator and Robinson projection?

the mercator projection lines are straight but the robinsons are curved

What map would a sailor use?

The Mercator projection is the standard for nautical navigation.

How do Mercator Robinson and Conic projections differ?

Mercator and conic projections are different because conic projections have a cone/triangle shape and they are the same because both are type of maps..... I know really bad answer but I hope this helped

Describe patterns of meridians on the Mercator?

They go straight up and down in parallel. (This is as opposed to a Robinson Projection where they bow out and away from the Prime Meridian.)