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The molecules in a cup of hot water are spaced farther away from eachother than the molecules in a cold cup of water.

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Q: How are the water molecules positioned in the hot cup?
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Does a cup that has warm water has the same kinetic energy as a cup that has cold water in it?

No. The molecules of hot water contain greater kinetic/thermodynamic energy.

Which molecules will move faster water molecules in a cup of hot soup or water molecules in a glass of iced lemonade?

A mug is a solid, so the molecules that make up a mug will be rigid and essentially not moving. For a glass of cold water, since it is a liquid, will have molecules that flow by each other but still keeps a shape. in the end, the molecules of water are moving faster.

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the water molecules are getting cold

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The sugar cube in the hot water will dissolve faster because there are more and higher energy collisions between the water molecules and the sugar molecules which will cause the sugar to dissolve faster.

Which are faster cold water molecules or hot water molecules?

Of course, hot water molecules, having more kinetic energy.

When you have a cup of boiling hot water next to a cup with ice cold water how does the movement of the water molecules change in each case?

Equilibrium of temperature. The water is trying to reach the same temperature as the environment it sits in. a cup of hot water has a higher temperature than the room so therefore begins to cool. a cup of cold water has a lower temperature than the room and therefore begins to heat up. both reach equilibrium when at the same temperature as the room

How does tea flavor spread from a tea bag throughout a cup of hot water?

The motion of the water molecules eventually causes the flavor to spread.

Are molecules in hot water different then molecules in cold water?

If you have the same volume of both then there are in cold water more molecules.

Why are water molecules more likely to escape from hot water then cold?

Hot water means the water molecules has attained energy from the temperature applied and hence their kinetic energy increases. Thus movement is possible for water molecules in hot water than cold water.

Why does water not form on the outside of a cup when you have a hot drink?

Hot cup evaporates water while cold water condenses water .

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Raisins plump up more quickly in hot water because the molecules in hot water move quicker than molecules in cold water so the hot water molecules diffuse quicker into the raisin.

What type of cup keeps hot water hot the longest?

A metal cup