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during mitosis the chromosomes copy themselves and split apart half of the sister chromatids going to each daughter cell

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Q: How are two chromosomes passed from the mother cell to two daughter cells?
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How many cells can daughter cells have as a parent?

23 chromosomes with mother and 23 chromosomes with father pair 46 chromosomes

During meiosis what is the chromosomes relationship between mother and daughter cells?

The mother cell has 4n the chromosomes. The daughter cells each have n. The chromosomes are also not identical because of independent assortment and crossing over.

What results in 4 daughter cells each with half of the mother cells chromosomes?


What happens during mitosis to ensure that the complete genetic code of the mother cell is passed on to both of the daughter cells?

The chromosomes, which carry the code, duplicate, and half go to each daughter cell.

Results in 4 daughter cells each with half of the mother cell's chromosomes?


What cell division do daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes as parent cell?

The daughter cells resulting in mitotic cell division are genetically identical to the mother cell. This means that they have the same amount of chromosomes, which are replicated in the mother cell prior to splitting.

How do DNA get passed to daughter cells?

The DNA replcates it to give evenly to each daughter cell

How many chromosomes will be in a daughter cell after meiosis?

Meosis is called a reductional division. This means the daughter cells in a meotic cell division have half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Parent cell (2n) ------> Meotic cell division ------> 2 daughter cells (n)

Does meiosis or mitosis have daughter cells with the same number and types of chromosomes as the mother cell?

Mitosis, of course.

What is the difference in DNA between parent cells and daughter cells in meiosis?

Parent cells are diploids, and daughter cells are haploids. Therefore, the daughter cells have half of the the number of chromosomes as the parent cells. (chromosomes are DNA)

How many chromosomes will the daughter cells have in mitosis?

2 chromosomes

Which phase chromosomes are distributed equally to daughter cells?

A cell's replicated chromosomes are distributed to its daughter cells so that the two new cells have a complete set of chromosomes/DNA, so that they can carry out their cellular functions.