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Artillery was the primary counter-trench warfare weapon because the only way to really be assured of killing guys in a trench is to use a weapon whose projectiles travel in an arc. The Germans had an interesting tactic: they set mortar bombs for impact burst (which means they explode when they hit, not before) and tried to drop them into the Allied trenches. It didn't succeed often because mortars are famously inaccurate, but when it did it killed a lot of people. The Allies, who were mostly using French guns, would set their rounds to explode over the trenches. Since overhead cover hadn't been invented yet, this was more successful.

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12y ago

To defend against the enimy. kind of obviouse.....:)

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10y ago

Artillery in WW1 was mainly used in massed barrages destroying huge areas

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Artillery was a primary weapon of both sides in WW1 . It caused many thousands of deaths.

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What term was used for an artillery barrage during World War 1?

An " artillery barrage" was the term

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The most common one that was used as a weapon in World War 1 is called the Artillery

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yes it was

How did Artillery impact World War 1?

it didnt

What kind of artillery was used during World War 1?

They were numerous an varied, but the most innovative was the French 75.

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The rifle, the Machine gun, the bayonet, the shotgun, artillery and then aviation.

Were conventional bombs used in World War 1?

Yes, early bombs were conventional artillery shells, but by the end of the war customized bombs were in production.