

How authentic are your answers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Wiki User

12y ago

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It depends on the person answering the question. I believe the great majority of people who join WikiAnswers are here because they want to be of help to others. They either know the answer or do their research, to give the best answer. It really depends on how the answer sounds to your logic. If the answer sounds cogent, then go with it, or you can always rephrase the question and ask it again. I hope this answer has helped you out and sounded convincing to you!

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12y ago
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Q: How authentic are your answers?
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This is a site intended to allow the general public an opportunity to contribute their own individual input, so the question isn't "how authentic" but instead "how accurate" are the answers on this site. The accuracy depends on who is providing the answer and what is their motivation for answering. Hopefully, some super smart intellectual is answering your question, but this is not always the case. Take the answers for what they are (nothing more than opinion in some cases), do your own research and decide on the accuracy for yourself.It depends on what the person online writes, but most of the time, yes, answers are given correctly.It also depends on how smart the person is, and if the person did the right research to find the right answer.

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The suffix of "authentic" is "-ic."

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Shakespeare's work was authentic. He was best at what he did. His work was authentic because he was a playwright.

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The word authentic is an adjective. It describes something that is genuine.

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authentic = אותנטי (otenti)

How can authentic be used in a sentence?

Here is a sentence that uses the word authentic. Mary was very genuine and authentic in her feelings about Robert.