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You are telling someone they cannot defend their life from someone bigger, younger and stronger. That is pretty bad.

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Q: How bad is gun control?
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A gun control debate when you are pro?

If you are "pro" in the gun control debate, you are for less gun control. In other words, you are "pro-gun".

What is the gun control amendment?

There is no "gun control" amendment.

What is a synonym for against?

opposing.Versus, contra, counter"I am against gun control" could also be phrased "I'm opposed to gun control", "I'm anti-gun control", "I'm an opponent of gun control", "I disagree with the idea of gun control"

What is the best title for an essay of gun control?

Gun Control

Does Italy have gun control?

They have gun laws. Whether they actually have the words "gun control" within any of their firearms legislature, I don't know, but they do have gun control.

Was Ross Perot for gun control?

Yes, Ross Perot is for gun control. He was not a typical Conservative and was pro gun control and pro choice.

Is Idaho pro or against gun control?

It is extremely anti-gun control.

Why is gun a bad thing?

A gun is a bit of machinery. It is neither good nor bad. It can be USED to do both good and bad things by people, but it is the PEOPLE that are good or bad- not the gun.

How do you start an introduction paragraph about gun control?

for an intruduction i would say something like "When dealin with guns it is key to maintain the control on this leathal weapon. inproper use can lead to great conciquenses but proper gun control can keep you away from the bad things like accidental shootings and such because you know how to use this helpful tool. Gun control is the way to go and this paragraph will explain the proper ways to handling a gun." or you can go in another direction but this is a good start i would think. :D

Why would gun control be bad?

You create a situation where only the people who are not going to abide by the law anyhow, are the ones with guns. Think Chicago.

What is a person against gun control called?

A person against gun control. A pro-gun advocate. A pro-2A advocate (in the US).