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bad! im guessing :(

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Q: How bad would you get hurt if you got shot with a BB gun?
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Who shoots the foul shot if the person who was fouled is hurt?

The person who got fouled who is hurt

Does the gardisel shot hurt?

The Gardasil shot hurts worse than almost any other shot I can think of. I got all three rounds of Gardasil last year. I got three other shots at the time of the first Gardasil (flu shot, tetanus shot, and meningitis), and the first Gardasil hurt worse than any of them. The second shot hurt worse than the first one, and the third one hurt worse than the second and the first one. It is worth it though, cancer is even worse. If you are getting the Gardasil shots, ask the nurse or doctor to inject a local anesthesia before the actual vaccine so that it doesn't hurt as bad.

Piutures of 50 cents marks when he got shot?

He got shot for selling a crack head bad stuff

Why are you upset about your friend getting an injury?

You feel bad for them. In a way, they are like family. You would feel bad if your family member got hurt, wouldn't you?

Did animals get hurt in the tsunami in Spain year 2000?

Yes animals did got hurt because of the shooting ,some animals got shot and some survived but most of them got killed.

Does the hpv shot hurt more than the tetanus shot?

Everyone has a different pain tolerance so everyone would have different opinions on how bad an injection is. Both injections are into the muscle so the pain should about the same. After you get the injection I'd recommend doing some arm exercises and mildly rubbing the area.

I got my tetanus shot today it started to hurt right after i got it what do i do?

i got this shot a couple months ago and i dont remember it hurting.. maybe the needle thickness had something to do with it, you might be allergic to something in it, etc...

Did Paul Revere get hurt in his years in the army?

yes, he did. he got shot in the leg and fell off his horse, which was shot shortly after. He then was shot in the shoulder. he survived only by medicine and care.

How bad does a lip pearcing hurt?

no it does not hurt i got mine done and the only thing that you feel is a real light pinch so no it does not hurt

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Most horses are kind but others who are wild would hurt you really bad if you got to close!!! especially stallions

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No his helicoptor was shot down and his teamate got hurt but hes alive

What would have happened without Molly Pitcher?

the war would of been bad without her in the life of her husband she fired the cannons and killed the british but she got very hurt after