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you're at a very health weight. A woman your size and age should not be looking to lose weight, but maintain her current weight.

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Q: How best can a 5'2 113 pound 55 year old female reduce to 109 pounds through diet and exercise?
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Can you reduce fat in a body area through exercise in that area only?

No. You cannot spot reduce.

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You can reduce your cholesterol through a variety of actions. One of these actions includes daily exercise. Since running is considered to be exercise, you should be able to loose weight. Running will make you heathier.

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You can't spot reduce. You can only reduce your total body fat through diet and exercise.

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You can't spot reduce. You need to reduce your body fat, which can be achieved through a good diet and regular exercise.

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Diet and exercise will ALWAYS help you reduce excessive weight.

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Diet and exercise

Can you spot reduce fat?

no, not by diet and exercise. only surgery spot reduces fat. Through diet and exercise you can reduce fat, but your body and your body alone will determine where and when to reduce it. i.e. dieting and only doing sit-ups will not cause you to lose fat primarily around your abs

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Exercise is the only proven way of quick weight-loss.Dieting just helps reduce the fat you eat, but it can be weeks before you start burning off the fat. So, exercise is your answer.

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Reduce your body fat through a good diet and regular exercise. Abdominal exercises such as crunches can also help.

How can you reduce fat?

diet and exercise. exercise including weight lifting and cardio.

Your age is 24and your bra size 32 how you can reduce it?

The number is actually the distance around your rib cage under your breast. The best way to reduce the number is through diet and exercise to reduce fat. Your ribs aren't going to be shrinking.