

How big can great white sharks mouths get?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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it depends on the size of the shark

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Q: How big can great white sharks mouths get?
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How Do great white sharks eat their prey whole?

They have big mouths and throats and if it can fit down they will eat it. The acids in the stomach break down the bones.

Why are white sharks big?

great white sharks are big because of their huge ancestors and the traits they inherit from their parents.

Where does the great white shark get its name from?

They are big (great) and they have white bellys and there sharks...get it????

How many fish can great white sharks hold in their mouth?

depends on how big the sharks mouth is and how big the fish are

How tall and long can great white sharks get?

quite big

Why are great white sharks aggressive?

They are hungry and have big appetites.

Great white sharks teeth how big?

The teeth of an adult great white shark are around 3 inches long.

What are white sharks preys?

Great White Sharks eat dolphins, fish, rays, seals, sea lions and even smaller sharks. And they attack people too. Mean big sharks!

How big are great white sharks jaws?

That depends on the size, length, weight, and/or age of the shark.

Are whales bigger than great white sharks?

The great whales are. (Blues, Finbacks, Sperm, Greys) There are smaller whales - Minkes, for example - and a great white might be as big or bigger that one of them. Incidentally, great whites are NOT the biggest sharks. Basking sharks and the appropriately named whale sharks are bigger still. Even the biggest whale shark isn't as big as the biggest whale, though.

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sharks teeth grow very big. up to [55cm] that is how big sharks teeth grow.

what 3 sharks kill humans?

Many sharks attack humans, but the big three are the bull shark, tiger shark, and great white shark.