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Mollies can be kept in quite small aquariums; probably down to about 5 gallons in size as the absolute minimum.

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12y ago

they should be about the size of a 4-6 week old molly.

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Q: How big does a fish tank need to be for mollies?
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Will gold barbs eat guppies or mollies?

Gold Barb (Puntius semifasciolatus) are a fairly small, peacefull fish (about 3" max) with a fairly small mouth. Adult Guppies and Mollies would be far too big for the Barb to eat. They will of course eat youngsters (fry) though, as will just about every other species of fish.

How do take molly?

To take care of mollies you have to feed it 3 times a day and tropical fish food (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) if not done they will die. You can keep them happy by letting rome around in a big fish tank. You must put a heater in your tank are they will freeze to death. Remember a happy fish is a healthy fish.

How do you take molly?

To take care of mollies you have to feed it 3 times a day and tropical fish food (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) if not done they will die. You can keep them happy by letting rome around in a big fish tank. You must put a heater in your tank are they will freeze to death. Remember a happy fish is a healthy fish.

Is my 10 gallon tank big enough for two black mollies?

yes but if they have babies it wont be

How long is a big fish tank?

A big fish tank is as long as its been built. 'Big' is a subjective term. Ask yourself, how long is a big fish tank, to me? That is where your answer lies. For me, a 'big' fish tank is anything over at or over 4 feet long.

How do you save small fish from big fish?

separate them If they are in the same tank, you can't; you need to put the ones that eat the smaller ones in a different tank.

Should you put your fish in a bowl or tank?

it depends on how big it is if it is a goldfish or beta it can be in a bowl.If it is one of those big tiger fish or aqarium fish then put it in a big tank. A fish will grow to the size of the tank or bowl. For instance, say a goldfish is in a tank, it will not grow as big as the tank; however it will grow big enough to be able to swim in their environment. The fish will not overgrow the tank. I had a six inch goldfish in a thirty gallon tank.

What fish can be in the tank with a male molly fish?

it depends how big the tank is. since this type of fish stays relatively small, use the one inch of fish per gallon of water rule. mollies are a grouping fish and should be kept with 4-6 or more of their own kind. you can keep them with platies, guppies, swordtails, endlers livebearers.... many freshwater peacefull fish will 'play nicely' with them.

Can fish drown in a fish tank?

Yes, but depending on how big you or the tank is.

How big of a fish tank do you need?

not very big, in fact only about 15cm deep, and 7cm wide, because even if you get them a big tank, they will only stay in that size area

What does a fish tank look like?

A fish tank looks like a big round bowl or a big rectangle

How do you get a big tank on Happy Aquarium?

You must get the tank maxed with coins first [125] or 40 fish in the tank, then you will get a large tank icon, and you need to get friends to help.