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i have a 40 gallon for 2 of them, they stay small, and you could prbly get bye with a 30

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Q: How big of a tank do Texas Map turtles need?
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How do you take care of map turtles?

Taking care of map turtles are more difficult to take care than other turtles. (except for snapping turtles) Map turtles should be taken care of a keeper who is experienced because taking care of map turtles are harder than other species. A map turtle has a higher nervous system than other turtles, and are sensible to water changes or condition. Map turtles only thrive well in very clean water, so you must get a strong fuilter if you are considering to get a map turtle.You also have to make sure to clean your tank often. Make sure that you set the tank and place it where it is quiet for they have a high nervous system. Make sure you do not put them near a place where it has very loud traffic, like near a window. The rest is just like taking care of other species. It would need a fuilter, a heater, a heat lamp(UVB and UVA), a basking platform (or just a place where it can bask), water that is deep, at least a 20gallon tank if you are going to keep 1 map turtle, or up to more than 100gallon if you are going to take care of more than 5 map turtles.

Why are map turtles called map turtles?

because the back of their shell is patterned like a map

Can you have 2 map turtles and a yellow belly turtle in the same tank?

If it's a huge tank, has an outstanding filter, and has two or three large basking spots each with UVB light (large means that it can fit all three turtles on it).

Can a Mississippi map and a eastern painted turtle be in the same tank?

the answer to that is yes well, sort of, a map turtle is a variety of species: Mississippi map turtle Texas map turtle Cagle's map turtle Black knobbed map turtle Ouachita map turtle P.s. if you want to get a map turtle you should get the Texas map turtle! the males at full maturity get to about 3.5 inches

Where can you find a map of Texas?

You can find a map of Texas at Barnes and Noble. You can also visit your local library and they will have all state maps that you need. Also, when you get to Texas you can stop at any gas station to buy a map.

What other turtles can live with musk turtles?

try map turtles or yellow or red bellies I have a razor back musk and he go's perfect with my Mississippi map turtle

What is a map turtles enemies?


Is your map turtle a male or female?

Note: you can't really tell the sex of a turtle until after it's a baby. Male map turtles are about 1/3 the size of their females. Male map turtles have a concave under shell. Female map turtles have a convex under shell.

How long do pet map turtles live for?

tortoise's are known to live up to 90 years, it depends on how well you look after your tortoise

Can you put a map turtle in the same tank with a slider?

YES, you can put a map turtle in the same tank with a slider.

What kind of turtle should you get if you want a small one?

if you are looking for an aquatic turtle, map and musk turtles are generally the smallest. In most aquatic turtles the male stays much smaller than the female. I would suggest Texas maps as the males grow to the maximum of 3.5".

Who are the enemies of map turtles?

well i hate you poo head