

How big of a tank would you need for two shubunkin goldfish and a snail?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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you will need a gallon for every inch the shubunkins grow

you will need at least one gallon for a snail

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Q: How big of a tank would you need for two shubunkin goldfish and a snail?
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you need to have a gallon for every inch they are

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That you need a new goldfish

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Yes,snails can have a family and the snail don't need to mate with another snail

Can baby goldfish eat peas?

Green peas are rich in fiber which is good for goldfish. The only thing is, with canned peas, I would be sure to rinse them thoroughly in water. The goldfish do not need the preservatives and salt that might be included in the canning process,