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Q: How big should a 5 month old garter snake be?
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How big do adult albino checkered garter snake grow?

5 feet mah ni99a

What are the names of every single animal in the world?

there is 2,000 kinds of snakes that are known ball python corn snake eastern garter snake northern garter snake san francisco garter snake western garter snake king cobra

How big can a garder snake get?

A large garter snake may reach the lenght of 1 m (about 3 ft.) and a diameter of 2.5 cm (about 1 in.).

Do hawks eat garter snakes?

No. Hawks are too big for garter snakes to eat. It is more likely that a hawk would eat a garter snake.

How big is a garden snake?

size can vary. most sites ive seen say 4ft max but i had a female garter snake that was 4ft3in. she was very old and quite awesome! average is 2 1/2ft- 3 1/2ft. my baby garter and my adult garter are almost the same length although much diff sizes in diameter. females tend to be larger than males. which is common for most snake species.

What snakes can you put in with your garter snake?

None. Garter snakes dont get very big so if you put any other snake with it, the garter snake might get eaten. Actually, nothing besides a kingsnake would eat a garter. I would say don't do it though, because of space and basking competition, and diseases. There are many snakes that feed on other snakes not just Kingsnakes so you have to be careful on the species that you put in the same container, Indigoes, racers, cottonmouths, coral snakes, whipsnakes are some that come to mind>

What kind of snake that is grey with white stripes in a creek?

There are a few snakes that match your description. If you live in the Pacific Northwest down to California and even all the way into northern Idaho, my guess is that it is a Pacific garter snake. They can be larger than the regular garter snakes, and love to eat slugs out of your garden.

How big is a garter snake?

they are about 1 foot and 2 inch ^^^^ I left this answer alone - just to show how some people DON'T read the question properly !. After mating, the gestation period for Garter snakes is between two and three months. The female 'gives birth' to live young - as opposed to laying eggs.... Snakester1962 (Supervisor)

How big do garden snakes get?

There is no such thing as a 'garden snake', but people do commonly use this name for garter snakes. How large they get depends on the species, but most don't exceed 3 feet in length.

How big should your female snake be before you put her in with your male snake?

It depends on the type of snake but at least 2 years old.

How Much Food Should i feed my Snake?

Depends on how big or small the snake is if it's big they eat more if small eats

What type of snake is black with an orange stripes?

There are a lot of snakes that are brown with yellow stripes. A garter snake can be brown with yellow stripes, as well as some king snakes, and worm snakes.