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"chillean earthquake was 80 times stronger than the Haitian quake, based on 7.0 for Haiti and 8.8 for Chille"


The Earthquake in Chile was 819 times stronger than the one in Haiti.

Haiti measured 7.0 in the Moment magnitude scale (which is the ONLY scale used to measure quakes these days. The Richter scale has not been used since the 70's...) while Chile measured 8.8. This is a Logarithmic scale which grows exponentially. Thus, a quake measuring 7.0 is 32 (not 10) times stronger than one measuring 6.0, and so on...

So, 8.0 is 32 times stronger than 7.0; and 8.8 is 25.6 times stronger than 8.0.

32 x 25.6 = 819.2

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Q: How big was haiti earthquake compared to Chile earthquake?
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How big was he haiti earthquake?

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it depends witch earthquake your talking about... but i think that if it was a big earthquake then they'D probably die like in japan and in haiti

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The one in Chile measuring 9.5 magnitude.

What was the haiti earthquake ranked?

I believe the January 10th 2010 Haiti earthquake was the 18th largest in the records.It was magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter Scale. It had the energy of a 32 million tons of TNT.To put that into perspective. It was 500 times less than the mag 8.8 earthquake to hit Chile on Feb, 27 2010 (15.8 billion tons of TNT) and 2,000 times less than the mag 9.1 Indian Ocean earthquake of December 26, 2004 (90.7 billion tons of TNT).One aftershock of the February 27th 2010 Chile earthquake at 08:01 GMT was almost as big as Haiti at mag 6.9.The largest earthquake on record was also just off the coast of Chile about 100 miles south of the 2010 one on May 22nd 1960. It was mag 9.5 earthquake and was 5,500 times bigger at 178 billion tons of TNT.