

How big was matter at the time of the big bang?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It was so small it could of all fit in a tea cup. my teacher told me. true true.

Fill a pin-head, I have read.

Ryan92394 says:

There was no matter at the time of the big bang. Matter came into existence 380,000 years after the big bang when the universe was cool enough for atoms to form. If your wondering how big the singularity was before the big bang, it was only a few microns in diameter. This is so small that you could not see it with the largest microscope in the world.

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Q: How big was matter at the time of the big bang?
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The Big Bang did not give us visible light. Light, from the time of the Big Bang has been red shifted so that it is now in the microwave part of the spectrum.However, the Big Bang did give us all the matter that exists, and some of that matter formed stars which, in their nuclear fusion, produce light.

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All matter. All the matter that exists emerged from the primordial cosmological state that we call the 'Big Bang'.

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There is no commonly agreed upon scientific answer to you question. The Big Bang theory does not presently postulate what took place before before the Big Bang occurred. That is not to say no answer awaits us - it is possible through continued scientific discovery that we will some day understand the events that pre-dated the Big Bang, if there were any.

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We have no idea what it was that exploded in the Big Bang, but it probably was NOT "matter" in the sense that we think of now.

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At the time of the big bang (approximately 13.7 billion years ago) there was no solid matter in the universe, it was all energy, located in space and time. The universe had to cool down considerably before some of the energy was able to condense into matter.

What does the big bang theory not explain?

Why our Universe is composed almost entirely of matter, with almost no anti-matter in it.

How big do scientist think the ball of matter was that started the big bang?

The big bang had to occur at a point ... that is, in a region with no size, no measurements, and infinite density. There was also no space, and no time. If that's not enough yet to blow your mind, there was no "matter" there. Until some time after the big bang, the universe was too hot to allow elementary particles to form, so there were no protons or electrons, no atoms or molecules, no elements or compounds.

Which element was created during the big bang?

The matter that came out of the Big Bang was about 90% hydrogen and 10% helium.

What did the matter in a star originally come from?

the big bang