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As you likely know by now, the lender has the right to accelerate the balance due when the car is repoed. Usually this is upon the 2nd repo or after X number of times in DEFAULT (late payments). It is at the lenders option. Read your contract again. It should be found where it says DEFAULT.

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9y ago
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19y ago

If your car has been reposessed you have 15 days for redeeming your car If you have the payments your behind,valid full coverage insurance and license,but the lienholder can demand full payoff .If you can not get another company to finance the car then it will be sold for highest bid at auction. Contact the lender to find out what is owed. If the vehicle has been repossessed, you may be liable for their repo fees in addition to what you originally were behind. Also, the previous post said you have 15 days. That could be correct in whatever state that poster is in, however it could vary from state to state. Most states give only 10 days. Contact your state's attorney genral's office. If you are in AZ, I can tell you right now it is 10 days.

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15y ago

under law you have to be offered the right to redeem the car usually for the full amount due and a repo fee added to that as well. if you do not the bank will auction off the car take whatever they can get and sue you for the rest.

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16y ago

There is no way that you will be able to get that care back. Once a vehicle has been repossessed the company holding the car is in the process of auctioning that vehicle. You will have a balance once this vehicle has been auctioned out. You should receive a statement in the mail withing 60-120 days stating what you owe. Sometimes if you are lucky you will end up owing anywhere from 50-75% of the sales price of that vehicle. If you are not that lucky, and you are left with a full balance that you owe, your best bet is to negotiate with the lender or collection agency that has that account.

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16y ago

You need to make a formal request asking for the can call and ask...make sure who you are talking to but also send a registered letter stating the same arrangements you just made. Make sure you included all names of the people you have talked to in order to get the car back. This will cover you, if someone says that you never called. Keep a copy of all letters to you and to them if for some reason they are needed. The other thing that will be needed, is 2-3 or more payments to bring the car up to date, the repossesion fees, and lot fees. Make sure you will have the money to redeem your car. Good Luck!

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9y ago

CALL the lender or better yet, VISIT the lender with CASH ready to pay off the car.

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9y ago

READ you contract. Likely not on a 1st payment default.

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19y ago

Where are you located? I know a guy who can do it. email him at

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18y ago

pay all owed monies and get the car before its auctioned ! only takes a few days before the car goes to the auction . they will the car fast even at at a loss!

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Q: Can you get a repossessed car back?
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What documents would you need after a repossession of a car in order to get it back?

To get your repossessed car back you may need proof of residency, insurance, and, other personal information to retrieve your repossessed vehicle back to you.

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If your was repossed you need to call the car company and pay your car

What the procedure for getting your car back after being repossessed?

Contact the lender who repossessed the car. You will have to make up all back payments and pay all fees associated with the actual repossession.

Can you get your car back after it has been repossessed in the state of Iowa?

Yes, there are some instances that a person can get a repossessed car back in the state of Iowa. If the person pays all the money owed plus a repo fee, the car may be returned.

Can you get your car back if its repossessed?

Yes. If the payment is made to the finnance company.

Can your car be repossessed if there are children's safety seats in the vehicle?

Yes, it can be repossessed. If you owe money on a vehicle and do not have a clear title of the car - In reality, this car is not yours until the debt is paid. The car is collateral until your pay the loan off. If the car was repossessed, the personal contents like the car seat must be given back to you.

Hiding a car that may be repossessed?

You can hide it but, they'll come back later for it.

Can your car be repossessed crossing the border back into the US?

Yes Pay Your Bills

Your car was repossessed and is now parked in a public place can you take it back?

Not without being a car thief.

What do You do after your car has been repossessed?

Buy a bus pass. Or get ahold of your lender and see what they want to get the car back.

Why does a car get repossessed?

The person who bought the car didn't make payments so the bank takes it back.

What will happen if you take back a car that was repossessed especially if they can't prove that you took the car back?

you will go to jail for auto theft when they catch you.