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Allergy signs include coughing, sneezing, and shortness of breath. If you have these signs chances are you have an internal allergy.

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Q: How can I tell if I have an internal allergy?
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How do I know if I have an internal allergy?

Your first step would be to go to a local doctor. They can run some test for you. If it is determined that you need to see an allergy specialist, you should be able to easily get a referral.

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Allergy is our body's way of reacting yo anti-bodies....... whenever our body detects the presence of anti-bodies it starts a process of annihilating it from the body..... this process is called allergies.... immunity is something which is usually internal..... anti-bodies entering the internal parts of the body it starts the process of immunity...... in short, allergy is related to external metamorphic and immunity is anatomic.....

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Where do I find treatment for an internal allergy? this site offers a comprehensive cause and treatment option to treating allergies. Although it is advisable that you contact your physician who can refer you to a allergy specialist for treatment

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A person can tell if they have any type of internal bruising by visiting their doctor. If this suspected, it is best to have the area checked out for damage.