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use weight watcher

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Q: How can a 13 year old girl lose weight and still eat what she wants?
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How do you reword a sentence?

if one wants to lose weight quickest way to lose weight, which for some may be starvation.

Can a girl loose her weight by doing fingering?

No, a girl cannot lose weight by fingering. However, with proper diet and exercise, she will be able to lose her desired weight.

Why does a girl have to lose weight for a boyfriend?

She doesn't. If he really likes or love you, then you don't need to change for him. If he wants you to change, he probably isn't the right one for you.

How does a 10 year old girl who wants to look skinny for the school year lose weight in50 days?

The best way for a 10 year old girl who wants to look skinny for the school year photograph in 50 days time is to eat healthily and exercise daily. At 10 years old you are still very young and should not be focusing on extreme weight loss or negative body images.

How many carbs should a 14-year-old girl eat and still lose weight?

Staying below 32 carbs a day will help you lose weight. A 14 year old girl should consult her doctor before beginning a weight loss plan as this can effect hormones in a negative way.

How do you get a girl to like you if you are fat?

Lose weight!x

Do you lose weight when you kiss?

no, but you can still enjoy it

Why is my ex texting me while he's dating another girl?

he wants your attention. Or he wants to keep a side option in case if he lose the girl he is dating

Should you lose weight if you weigh 113 at 12?

um no that is the normal weight if you are a girl

Where the max weight exist?

in Europe The man weighed 1,070 pounds but is losing weight and wants to be the person to lose the most weight.

How do you lose weight in 7th grade if your a girl?

Eat Healthy

Are you being abused when your boyfriend tells you that he wants you to lose weight so next year he can buy you a bikini?

abused?!? ABUSED?!? no; if you're bf wants you to lose some weight, it's not abuse, it just means you're fat.