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First of all, I'm not a psychologist, but I DO have an advanced degree, and I realize that this is an emergency situation. I believe you can have yourself declared an "emancipated minor." This is done through the court system. If you don't have any money, try Legal Aid. They should be in the phone book, but if you can't find it, just call the public library, and the librarian there can give you the number. Also, if your parents are doing nothing about this, is there a neighbor who can help you? Can you go to her and tell her about the abuse? You're still in school, I'm assuming, so RIGHT AWAY visit either the school nurse, guidance counselor, principal, or tell a teacher you trust. They should be able to get you out of that environment. Lastly, there is a Department of Children & Families in every state, I'm pretty sure. Call them and tell them what is happening. I realize this doesn't give you advice on moving in with the girlfriend, but the first step is to GET OUT OF THAT HOUSE!!!! Your brother needs help, and that's why someone at the school should probably get involved. Whatever you do--take action to protect yourself!! Do you have a minister? You could walk into any church or synagogue and ask to see the Youth Pastor or the Senior Pastor. They've had psychological training, plus they should be very familiar with the resources in your town and area. Please post another message soon to let me know how you're doing! Don't give up! -Ms.MM starts here-

You can simply cal 911, also, and may be of some help.

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Q: How can a 16 year old girl in IN who is being sexually abused by her brother move in with a 25 year old girlfriend and her husband and kids parents know and are doing nothing to stop the abuse?
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