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Get the best medical treatment that you can manage, do everything you are told, and don't give up. You should be aware of a few things. Psych meds take a long time to work sometimes. Don't expect immediate miracles. Also, it may take several tries to find the right combination of meds and adjust the doses. Finally, DO NOT GO OFF THE MEDS without talking to the doctor. Bipolar disorder is treatable, but sometimes if you go off the medications they will not work reliably if you begin taking them again. Many folks with bipolar disorder live relatively normal lives, but getting there can be a lot of work. Considering the alternative, however, it's well worth the trouble.

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Q: How can a kid with bipolar disorder live a normal life?
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Is bipolar disorder truly incurable?

* It can be. it just depends on what methods are used and how severe the case is. Hypnosis, although effective, is an unethical and unreliable method to use in this case; it only covers up the symptoms rather than "curing" them. Many bipolar sufferers use drugs to suppress the symptoms but others, such as Stephen Fry, have grown to love their illness, because the feelings of elation that come with it can outweigh the depression. == == * There is no "cure" for Bipolar, however it can be managed with medications. Bipolar is a life-long disease, however one can live a normal, healthy & happy life when they are in treatment for their Bipolar disorder. * Like any other illness, bipolar can be treated but never cured. Or, not cured until gene therapy can make more discoveries. And that is because bipolar is a genetic disorder. -clm * It's only controlled by medication. Even with medication, it is still a guessing game, you are told "if this medication your taking is not working, let's change and try this". Or they add additional medications. Not everyone can live to be normal and happy with bipolar, like the above statement. Ask anyone who has experienced bipolar disorder

Can someone with schizo affective disorder live a normal life?

With medicines, yes.

What is the difference between oppositional defiance disorder and bipolar disorder in children?

Oppositional defiance disorder is something one grows out of unlike bipolar disorder which is permanent. Bipolar disorder is accompanied by mood swings being on top of the world one moments and in despair the next and these moods can last for weeks without signs of improvement. There are other symptoms as well that can help a parent distinguish whether or that is the case. Bipolar disorder is very difficult to live with and should be diagnosed as soon as possible. The book 'the bipolar child' will tell you what you need to know.

How long do people with bipolar disorder live?

Obviously depending on the seriousness of there BiPolar Case. But anyone with BiPolar can live just as long as someone who doesn't have it. some people take medicine for it or go to counselling. But BiPolar itself can;t kill you. the only way someone with BiPolar couldn't live as long as someone else. is if they killed themselves. there just like everyone else. just with bigger mood swings. and on the plus side many actors, artists have BiPolar because people with the illness are usually extremley creative and have a better understanding of the meaning of life. i know it sounds crzy but it's true. many BiPolar sufferers usually undersatnd the side of life other people don't. that's another reason they make great actors because of there understanding and imagination. A director once said. you don't need to be gay or Jewish be in this buisness you just need to be BiPolar.....

How is Britney Spears doing?

As of November, 2011, she is not in hospital. She has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but this illness is highly responsive to medication and bipolar people usually live quite normal lives.

How long can you live with bipolar?

your entire natural life, however long that is. if properly treated, there is no reason that bipolar would shorten a person's life.

Can a neurologist can treat you for bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition that requires specialized treatment by a mental health professional. Mental health professionals who may provide treatment for bipolar disorder include: 1. Psychiatrists 2. Psychologists 3. Clinical social workers 4. Licensed professional counselors 5. Psychiatric nurses It's important for individuals with bipolar disorder to seek professional help from a mental health professional who is experienced in treating this condition. Treatment can help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Are there any good bipolar treatments?

Treatments for those with bipolar disorder have come a long way. Through both prescription medication and treatment by a psychiatrist, patients that follow the doctor's orders, tend to live a fairly normal life. Most patients are on several medications, such as Zoloft, Lamictal, and Xanax. It should be noted though, that even if one medication works for one person, it might not be good for another, that is why doctor care is important.

Should a person with bipolar disorder get married?

Yes if they are in Love just because they have BiPolar doesn't mean they can't do things like everyone else!!!...idiot Second Opinion (different user): Of Course! In it's more mild forms Bipolar disorder is hardly even noticeable. Especially with treatment. Even the more severe Bipolar 1 Disorder is not so bad with treatment. I'm going to assume that you are asking this question partly based on the idea that Bipolar Disorder is genetic. The Nazi's and some other countries euthanized Bipolar people (prevented them from having kids via surgical methods). If you are more accepting than a Nazi you should have no problem with Bipolar people getting married to whomever they wish. It turns out that Bipolar disorder is only partially genetic. It is largely based on the environment that people live/grow up in. For example: There are two 100% genetically identical twins. One of them is diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. Statistics show that, even though they are 100% genetically identical, there is only about a 50% chance of the other twin being Bipolar. It is not just about genetics.

What are mood disorder?

Hospital descrition-Extreme mood swings punctuated by periods of generally even-keeled behavior characterize this disorder. Bipolar disorder tends to run in families. This disorder typically begins in the mid-twenties and continues throughout life. Without treatment, people who have Bipolar disorder often go through devastating life events such as marital breakups, job loss, substance abuse, and suicide. My descrition-I think what cause a mood disorder is how they feel in the inside, I mean you can heal it, it's just that you have to pick do u want to heal yourself or not? I use to have mood disorder and some of my mum friends thought there was a demon or some sh*t inside me but no, I went through alot in my life and don't know whats real and not anymore and that just kills and hurts my in the inside. You just need to change the way you are lookign at life and otheres. It is your chose you are in control of your life, no ones gonna live it for you. -S Xoxo

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there is no such thing as a normal life

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yes you can I'm asthmatic and i live a normal life