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Yes if they are in Love just because they have BiPolar doesn't mean they can't do things like everyone else!!!...idiot

Second Opinion (different user):

Of Course! In it's more mild forms Bipolar disorder is hardly even noticeable. Especially with treatment. Even the more severe Bipolar 1 Disorder is not so bad with treatment. I'm going to assume that you are asking this question partly based on the idea that Bipolar Disorder is genetic. The Nazi's and some other countries euthanized Bipolar people (prevented them from having kids via surgical methods). If you are more accepting than a Nazi you should have no problem with Bipolar people getting married to whomever they wish. It turns out that Bipolar disorder is only partially genetic. It is largely based on the environment that people live/grow up in. For example: There are two 100% genetically identical twins. One of them is diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. Statistics show that, even though they are 100% genetically identical, there is only about a 50% chance of the other twin being Bipolar. It is not just about genetics.

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14y ago

Of course you can! Don't let you not marry her because she has an illness...

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If a person is taking depakote 1000mg per day what is his stage of bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is not a disorder that comes in stages. If you are referring to how "bipolar" this person is, well, they are bipolar. So really, how moody they are depends on the day.

Where can one find information on bipolar disorder?

If a person is truly interested in information on bipolar disorder, WebMD has excellent information on this disorder.

Can you have bipolar disorder even though you sleep well?

Yes. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder, not a sleep disorder, although it can effect sleep, depending on the person. It is very individual and differs from person to person in how it effects them.

Questions about dating bipolar boy?

Bipolar disorder causes changes in moods. These changes include states of depression and mania (an elevated energy level). The biggest question that one should ask before dating a person who suffers from this disorder is if they can be a support for the person suffering this disorder.

Can a person with bipolar disorder be on property where there is guns?

Of course.

What is bipolar affective disorder exaclty?

"Bipolar affective disorder is when a person has a split personality problem. One mintue a person can be happy and content, they next they can snap into a rage."

Is Bipolar disorder a mental disorder?

Yes, Bipolar disorder is a mental illness.

What kind of person is unpredictable?

A person who suffers from erratic behavior, as in Bipolar Disorder.

Does a bipolar disorder patient become normal?

The disorder can go into remission without drugs and the person can become normal. Often, though, medication is required. Sometimes the medication makes the person become almost normal. In other cases, it doesn't do any good. A person with bipolar disorder, though their medications may have helped them tremendously and though they may not be manic or depressed, will always be a person with bipolar disorder. They may be able to do everything a "normal" person can do or they may find their lives limited by their condition. Bipolar disorder can look different in different individuals also. Note that I am not a doctor or a psychologist and the above answer should not be used in place of medical advice.

Should a child tell their parent their fiance's bipolar disorder is wrecking her home and it breaks their heart to see what its doing to there family?

Without proper psychological help a person with bipolar disorder can cause heartache and it would be a good idea to tell the parents and wait to get married while their fiance gets help and take the relationship slow and easy.

Does bipolar disorder increase the likelihood of suicide?

Yes, actually. When the person with bipolar disorder is also depressed, the manic factor in BPD increases likelihood of suicide.

Can you deal with a Bipolar person without making that person take medication for their illness?

Well, Bipolar Disorder, is much more severe than Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivty Disorder (ADHD), so the answer to this question is, 'no."