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The parents are responsible for them until they are an adult. Yes, they get to determine where they live.

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Q: How can a parent force a 16 year old to move back home after living with family members for 2 years?
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I believe they can force you, until you are 18. What are you afraid of? If you're not taking any drugs, the tests will prove that. If you are, your parent most likely wants to help you stop doin drugs.

In Michigan can the parent of a 17-year-old force their child to leave home?

The age of majority for the state is 18, therefore a parent(s) cannot arbitrarily force a minor out of the family home without providing adequate support for he or she and/or without using the proper legal procedures.

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No it is not. It's the parents legal obligation to pay all living expenses for the child until he/she is 18yo.

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