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Q: How can an elected president come into office when United States is at war?
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What office is the President of the Senate elected to?

The President of the Senate is the Vice-President of the United States.

What office is Joe Biden elected to?

Vice President of the United States

What got Obama into being a president?

He was elected into office by the citizens of the United States.

What other government office was Dwight Eisenhower elected to?

Eisenhower held only one elected office and that was President of the United States.

Who was elected Anerucan's fourth president?

James Madison was elected as the fourth president of the United States. He served in office from 1809 to 1817.

Is Barack Obama elected to office or appointed?

Barack Obama was elected to office as the 44th President of the United States. He served two terms from 2009 to 2017.

How did Theodore Roosevelt take office?

he got elected president when he ran for it. He was also a vice president before he was the president of united states.

Who was president 1796?

George Washington was the President of the United States in 1796. He was the first President of the United States and he took office on 1789 April 30, serving two terms and leaving office on 1797 March 4.In 1796, the second President of the United States, John Adams, was elected.

In 1796 who was president?

George Washington was the President of the United States in 1796. He was the first President of the United States and he took office on 1789 April 30, serving two terms and leaving office on 1797 March 4.In 1796, the second President of the United States, John Adams, was elected.

Who shares the presidents term of office?

The Vice President of the United States shares the President's term of office. The President is elected along with the Vice President to serve 4 years.

Who was the first president of the United States never to be elected to any other office before becoming president?

George Washington

When was president Franklin Delano Roosevelt elected?

FDR entered the office of President of the United States on March 4, 1933.