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Q: How can an overweight person lose weight without dieting?
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Is it easier to lose weight if you are overweight?

not necessarily. you can be skinny and be used to doing exercises and eating healthy, but normally if a over weight person is on a diet they are not used to dieting

Does a dieting person more accurately lose mass or lose weight?

A dieting person loses weight.

What is a dieting guru?

A dieting "guru" is a person who claims - often falsely or without representation, such as a medical or nutritional degree - to be an expert in a certain field, in this case dieting. They will give advice or tips on how to diet and manage weight loss.

Are you overweight if you weigh 108 pounds and you are 5' 6?

That isn't overweight at all. That actually is considered underweight! The minimum weight a 5'6 person should be without being underweight is about 115.

What is the difference between obesity and overweight people?

The difference between an obese person and an overweight person is that an overweight person usually weighs less than an obese person but still needs to lose weight usually somewhere between 20-40lbs of weight.

Does dieting make it impossible to lose weight in the future?

Not at all it helps if you diet to a certain weight and maintain it for a while it should be hard to get over that weight. I think dietng helps you lose weight in the future. I dieted and lose weight without dieting.

When a person is 20 percent or more above a reasonable weight?

She or he is overweight.

What influences dieting?

Dieting is sometimes instructed upon or simply the need to do it because of its healthful benefits. Every person has a different diet. Dieting can be restrictive or adding more to one's sustenance to achieve something. It is true in weight conscious, weight losers, and also in patients.

What does weight management refer to?

Weight management refers to a set of practices and behaviors that are necessary to keep one's weight at a healthful level. It is preferred to the term "dieting," because it involves more than regulation of food intake or treatment of overweight people.

How do your lose weight without dieting surgery or pills?

It is all about portion sizes. Sorry but that is all i can give you.

What is the meaning of the word dieting?

Dieting refers to a person altering their nutritional intake. This may be by removing calories or certain foods and is usually done to help lose weight.

Is 250 pounds an average weight for a person who is 5' 9?