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Q: How can black mold harm the human body?
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can black mold effect the body

How will mold harm humans?

if you breath black mold it can start to grow in your lungs then kill you

How do you get black mold out of your body?

you just do it th normal way!

How do you get rid of mold in the human body?

Mold does not grow in the the human body. If you have a fungal infection in your finger or toe nails you need to buy some topical medicine.

Can breathing mold cause you to get stripped throat?

Yes it can because mold has a chemical in it and breathing it it can affect parts on human body as it is dangerous.

What are some health issues of black mold?

Not all black mold is considered toxic. However, should toxic black mold be identified in your home, one should be aware that it is dangerous to human health, as it can affect all systems of the body. Some of the major issues black mold can cause include mental impairment, respiratory issues, damage to internal organs and possibly death. The main categories of symptoms related to toxic black mold include the above, as well as potential circulatory problems, vision and eye issues, immune and reproductive system troubles, and the list goes on.

What is a primitive life form such as mold or yeast that cannot make their own food?

a human body

How do you tell if it is mold or not?

because mold is really distict from other things such as black mold. black mold is just plain black with little white patches.... that how i tell it from anything else

You drank black mold from a coconut Should you be worried?

no. black mold is dead.

How can i get rid of black mold?

It has been very humid where I live and black mold is beginning to creep up on me. Who or what can i use in order to get rid of all this black mold?

black mold removal ?

The best way to get rid of black mold is to use bleach containing products. The mold causes severe allergic reactions in people who have breathing problems.

Do you need mold?

a small amount of mould is actually healthy for the human body. Large amounts will cause sickness