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Calcium hydroxide can be dissolved to create a saturated aqueous solution, which is sometimes referred to as limewater. When carbon dioxide is bubbled through the limewater, the carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid. The carbonic acid is first deprotonated to form a bicarbonate anion, which is then deprotonated once more to form the carbonate anion. The carbonate anion then reacts with a calcium cation to form calcium carbonate (the compound in limestone). Calcium carbonate is insoluble in water, and thus precipitates out. The formerly clear limewater solution has thus become cloudy, giving an indication that carbon dioxide is likely present. Reaction scheme is given below:

CO2(g) + H2O --> H2CO3

H2CO3 + OH- --> HCO3-+ H2O

HCO3- + OH- --> CO32- H2O

CO32- + Ca2+ --> CaCO3(S)

Note that if too much carbon dioxide is added or too little calcium hydroxide is used, then calcium bicarbonate will form instead of calcium carbonate. Calcium bicarbonate is water soluble, and thus will appear to produce a negative test.

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Q: How can calcium hydroxide be used to test for carbon dioxide?
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Explain why calcium hydroxide can be used in this way?

Calcium hydroxide is used to test for carbon dioxide because the product of the reaction, calcium carbonate, is insoluble, and easily visible.

What are some characteristics test of carbon dioxide?

- infrared spectrometry - the test with calcium hydroxide (calcium carbonate, white and insoluble in water, is formed)

How could the solid calcium hydroxide be used to test for carbon dioxide?

Calcium ydroxide is just another word for "Limewater". Limewater turns milky in the presence of Carbon Dioxide.

What is a positive test for carbon dioxide?

Absorbed carbon dioxide in calcium hydroxide produce calcium carbonate, a white precipitate.

How do you test presence of carbon dioxide?

Bubble the gas through limewater (calcium hydroxide), and then a white precipitate is formed, which is actually calcium carbonate.

How would you test carbon dioxide to show that it was hydrogen?

Carbon dioxide form a milky suspension of calcium carbonate in calcium hydroxide; hydrogen doesn't react. But hydrogen react with oxygen when a flame exist.

Why do we test the gas given off with limewater?

Limewater (calcium hydroxide) react with carbon dioxide and form insoluble, white precipitate of calcium carbonate.

Can you test carbon dioxide?

Bubble the gas through limewater (saturated calcium hydroxide solution). Carbon dioxide reacts to form calcium carbonate which turns the liquid cloudy. Ca(OH)2 (aq) + CO2 (g) → CaCO3 (s) + H2O (l)

How can you test carbon dioxide?

Carbon Dioxide turns lime water milky/cloudy.

What is limewater element or compound?

Limewater is a solution made of Calcium Hydroxide and water. Calcium Hydroxide is found in things like oyster shells and bird eggs. There are many uses including food preparation, creating paint and topical medicines.

Why can calcium hydroxide be used to test for carbon dioxide?

I have just answered this question as part of homework myself, limewater is a common name for Ca(OH)2 (calcium hydroxide) and when limewater and carbon dioxide meet they instantly react in a visible way. The limewater turns cloudy, sort of like when milk and water meet. Hope this helps

How do you do the test for carbon dioxide?

To test the presence of carbon dioxide bubble the gas into the lime water. Carbon dioxide reacts to form calcium carbonate which turns cloudy.